Sunday, March 4, 2012

The Destruction of Black America

The Rape of Black America

And now a word of caution for African-Americans. This is real talk. No jivin’. Over the last decades, the black community has been raped by the government in the guise of the prison/industrial complex. Young men have been snatched from black communities across the nation and fed into a prison complex that has become one of the biggest businesses in the country. And it didn’t just start.

I know that many of you watch the news and witness the “prep walk” of countless black men as they are paraded across your television screen in handcuffs and subsequently into jail. The crime of the century is not the crime the brothas committed. The crime of the century is the crime the government committed to get to the point where there is almost a million black men locked up in America.

Don’t get it twisted by the illusion of what you see on the news. Sure, there were crimes committed, but let’s look at something that may help you understand why. In my upcoming book, “The Unmaking of The Black Man” I trace the roots of this conspiracy back to its genesis, but for our purposes, I want to focus on what happened in the 60’s. Shortly after the Watts (LA) riots, and the long, hot summer of 1965 when a new more violent image of black males began to emerge. This was truly the first time black men took to the streets in rage and it frightened white America.

Without delay, the powers that be in white America jumped to action and the move to eliminate black babies sped into high gear. It was at this moment that eugenicists ushered in the concept of IQ, which was devised solely as an ulterior motive to usher into the nation’s sterilization program. But the sterilization program was only a part of the plan. The other aspect of the campaign to make sure the black man never raised up in protest again so white America went for the jugular of black America---the children.

In 1963 The Mental Retardation Facilities and Communities Health Centers Act was passed. Funded by The National Institute of Mental Health and founded by a CIA operative, Dr. Robert Felix, this program placed black schoolchildren at risk! This opened the door for “Special Education” classes. Black kids populated these classes for a reason: the government wanted to give them drugs. This was the first time psychiatrists were allowed in American schools and they happily diagnosed black kids as “emotionally disturbed” or “learning impaired”. And then fed them psychotropic drugs like they were M&Ms. But this was merely stage one. What happened next is even more shocking than mis-diagnosing healthy, black kids.

What came next was the “Violence Initiative”, but more about that in another episode. Guess what happened to the unlucky children in the Special Ed classes who were tricked into taking unneeded, mind-altering drugs? These drugs were known to cause violent, irrational behavior so the government knew that within a decade or so, they could hunt down these same kids because they were violent and irrational!

A great number of these children, once grown, had earned a referral into a mental health facility. Statistics proved that those patients, committed crimes, at twice the rate of the general population. So what you have are “made” criminals, invented by the government. A report by The African-American Coalition for Justice in Social Policy indicated that NIMH’s work was a direct cause of the sky-rocketing violence in the ‘hood. Jim Brewer of the Coalition went on to explain that most of the violence in black communities over the last four decades has been the results of experiments in the form of drug therapy and psychological school programs. He went on to say that these programs have ravaged inner cities and manufactured criminals out of young people…”

But it didn’t stop there. In 1976, when I was in federal prison, I was labeled as homicidal and quite naturally referred to the psychologist’s office. As luck would have it, both the white psychologist and I shared the same last name, (this was before I changed my name) and we had this running joke about how we could be related as his family may have owned my family during slavery. This alleged “kinship” made him sympathetic and instead of introducing me to drugs, he put me down with yoga and meditation. One day, he called me to his office, gave me some classified document to read,andlocked me in his office so I could read the paper. It was a government paper about the “rising fear of the black man and what to do about it.” To be brief, what the paper stated was that the best thing for black males was prison. The paper said that by the year 2000 (remember this was 1976) that they intended to have a vast majority of black youth confined. There’s more. They wanted to destroy black America. They also declared that in an effort to weaken the bond between sistas and brothas that they would open the doors of corporate America to black women while keeping black men shut out of employment. They felt the economic disparity in black households would doom black love. They figured that more sistas would marry white men. Was the mission a success? Sistas are in corporate America like never before and brothas are in prison like never before.

Still not convinced. Ever heard of the “Kash 4 Kids” program. A few years ago, judges in Pennsylvania were busted for taking money from prison contractors in exchange for juveniles to fill the prisons that were being built. A lot of innocent juveniles got set up.

Now, that they had all these brothas locked up, the emphasis became on how to further benefit from them. The saga expanded. Prisons became the hottest commodity on the stock market as every corporation wanted to establish a presence inside a prison. Did you know that IBM, Revlon, Hewlett-Packard, Texas Instruments, as well as Victoria’s Secret have plants inside of prison? Now, with these billion dollar companies in on the act, the push to put even more people in prison sky-rocketed. It is these companies that control a lot of prison policy. Check this out. When I was In the federal pen In Atlanta, there had been a gang war. The warden placed the prison on lockdown for everyone’s safety. After a few days, one of the corporate sponsors called the warden and told him that he had a million dollar contract and that they wanted their products done. The next day, we were off lock-down! Damn, what the warden thought. Damn, everyone's safety. There was work to be done in the factory.

If this interests you, read my new novel, When I Say Jump, to find out more about the government’s effort to imprison black men. It is a fictionalized account (or is it) of how every major hospital in the country participates in a government-sponsored lottery where one out of every four black male babies called “puppets” are placed in this lotto where there are selected by government agents who use mental conditioning to get them ready for prison by the age of sixteen. The book by Gibran Tariq can be found on 

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